Bring Zoey home and you'll never have to go to the bathroom alone again. She'll protect you from watching TV alone, walking outside alone, and eating alone. She's just that type of girl. She's not clingy; don't get me wrong. She has her own interests like collecting toys in a pile, judging you from across the room when you don't want to snuggle and waking you up with nose boops. She prefers to sleep alone, but will kiss you goodnight and be there to boop as soon as she knows you are up. She likes her kennel. Every strong woman appreciates alone time. But, she's more than just a stunning beauty. She's athletic, well mannered, and knows how to use the outside ladies room. Just like any woman of value, she's not going to give it all away at once. If you are willing to let this flower bloom, your life will be blessed. Zoey is a one-of-a kind companion .