
Bully mix, Shepherd & Labrador Retriever Mix

male · 3 Years · medium

Are you looking for a smart, playful and affectionate new best friend? Look no further, Tate is the guy for you!

Things about me you might like to know:

Breed: Shepherd/Lab mix

Color: Black – I have medium length fur with a fuzzy undercoat.

Size: 25-30 lbs

Age: 16 weeks

Activity level: Moderate. Average puppy energy. I like to play, crash and repeat.

Personality: I am curious, playful, friendly, smart and happy-go-lucky and confident. I would say that I am more dominant than submissive.

Things I do in my free time: I love to play with any dog toys, tennis balls or chew bones you throw my way. I like to follow my foster mom around the house. If I have the chance to snuggle on the couch I am happy to do so. I love exploring out in the backyard. Squirrel and bird watching has become a favorite past-time. I love the snow! Being out in the cold MN weather has not affected me in the least. I am happy when I get to go on walks and enjoy having belly rubs.

Things I know: Sit and recall, leash walking. I am looking forward to getting to know boundaries and obedience. My foster mom thinks I am pretty smart and will be a good student!

Things I am working on: Basic manners. Entering the house when called. I do need some work at not begging for food. Sharing my toys and bones with my foster brothers.

Kennel: I am doing great with my kennel! I sleep in it during the day when my foster family is at school and work. I have also been eating my meals in my kennel. Sometimes, I will have a little wind down time in the kennel. I may bark a couple times because I like to be in on the action when the humans are home. I will stop when you tell me “no”. I like to have toys and bones in the kennel to keep me busy when I am awake.

Potty training: I am doing well with potty training as long as I am monitored closely while I am awake/playing. My foster mom will set a timer to remind the family I need to go out to potty. It works like a charm! I currently have a fenced yard to run and play in at my foster house.

Kids: I currently live with a 16 and 14 year old. I am sure I would do well with younger children. Just know that I do jump and like to use my mouth for play sometimes, as most puppies do.

Dogs: I live with two foster brothers (Age 8 and 4) and one foster sister (age 13). I have been in tune with their signals and most of the time do not overstep boundaries, although I am not a fan when my foster brother tries to steal my toys or bones. I am fine when the humans take my toys. I would be fine going to a home without another dog. The individual attention would be great!

Cats: I have met a kitty I barked at first and was curious.

Car Rides: I am good in the car. My foster family uses a harness and seatbelt for  me when we go somewhere.

Walking: I am a good walker, although I should have some obedience. I am being fostered in the city, most of our walking is done on the streets. I will stop to look at the cars going by but am not fearful. I have not seen any dogs while out walking. I am sure I would be curious. I could be a great hiking buddy!

What to expect when you adopt me: You can look forward to having a dependable, smart, loveable, best friend!

Additional information: I came up to Minnesota from Alabama. Thankfully, some very amazing people saved me down South and helped to get me here to Spot’s Last Stop to find my forever home. I was fostered in a home there with many other dogs. I was loved so much that they let me sleep in the human bed with some of their resident pups. I do sleep through the night without a peep.

Bully breeds and unaltered puppies can not be adopted out of the State of Minnesota.

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