
Medium Mixed Breed

female · 6.5 Years · medium

Hi, my name is Pheobe and my foster mom says I am the best dog she has ever met. In fact, if she could have talked my foster dad into a third dog, I would have been the chosen one. Their loss, your gain! Some people like to say I am a total catch. I am 2.5 years old so I am totally over that crazy puppy nonsense. I am also only 31 lbs. Not quite a purse dog but I think I am small enough to pretty much take anywhere. I think I also get bonus points for not throwing up while in moving vehicles. If you are concerned about my social skills, you have nothing to fear. I am a bit of a social butterfly. In my foster family alone, I always use my best manors around the 2 cats, 2 dogs, 2 crazy 8 year old boys, a crazy dog lady and her very understanding husband. There is nothing that fazes me! Sometimes the grumpy old resident dog growls at me but I just say hey chill out, I’ll be over here if you ever decide to cheer up. It doesn’t get me down because the other resident dog will play with me for hours. We never get tired from chasing each other in circles. My foster dad would say my best qualities are that I don’t jump or lick. My foster mom thinks it’s my big heart and how I never leave their site while I am in the yard. I would say my other skills are walking on a leash, sleeping in a crate, staying off the furniture and always holding my bladder til I get outside. I am extremely smart and I am pretty sure you could teach me anything if there is a snack involved. I do really love food. It’s probably my only weakness so don’t leave any food on the edge of the counter or it could be considered fair game. If you decide to come meet me or adopt me, I promise to make your life so much better. I have so much love to give! Please be warned though, if you do adopt me you may see my foster mom ugly crying when I leave. Don’t worry though, she is so happy for me and just wants me to find the best home possible. Well, I had better get back to chasing that other dog around in circles, hope to meet you soon!

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