
Labrador Retriever & Terrier Mix

female · 5 Years · medium-large


Hi there- My name is Coco or as my foster family has nick named me- Coco puff! I’m a chocolate lab mix and this brown eyed girl is as sweet as they come- or so they say. I’m from a shelter and new to the good life but let me tell you I am loving it! I’ll let my foster family tell you a little more about me…

Coco is shy and learning that us humans are kind- we give lots of pets, treats, and these things called peanut butter filled kongs which Coco thinks are the bomb. Because Coco is still learning how to “dog” she will be the perfect second dog and is doing a great job at following the resident dogs in her foster home lead. Though she’s not high energy she will also need a fenced yard to get her young lab energy out!

A little more about Coco:

-Kids? Loves them! She is so gentle with the children in her foster home.

-Other dogs? Great! She’s a playful girl who has loved every dog she’s met.

-Crate? Expert. She sleeps through the night in her crate and the only disruption to be heard is the absolutely adorable- occasionally loud- snoring! She also is intermittently crated throughout the day with no issues.

-House training? Amazing. She hasn’t had a single accident in the house. She whines at the door when she needs to go potty. She is also very respectful of boundaries within her foster home and saves all of her wiggles for playing outside.

-Leash and basic commands? Work in progress. It’s pretty evident that she hasn’t had a lot of (any?) exposure to this in her past life but she is eager to please and is working hard- she’ll be an expert in no time with continued training.

If there was a single word to describe Coco it would be grateful- this sweet girl has been through the ringer and she is SO grateful to be loved. Do you think you could be Coco’s forever? Come meet her and see!

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