
Shepherd Mix

male · 1.5 Years · medium-large

Calling all Shepherd Lovers- you Have to meet Homer-

Look at this handsome dude with crazy puppy shepherd ears!  Homer is friendly, social, curious, smart as a whip, playful and affectionate!  This social boy loves meeting new people and exploring the world. He is  good with other dogs.  Homer is pretty easy going, but he’s all puppy. He’s not aware of his size or movements thus is clumsy and it is adorable!  He’s sweet and happy. Homer likes being near his humans and is loyal like a shepherd- sits at your feet!  This baby boy is smart- he is has great crate and house manners, knows, sit, wait and crate which he learned quickly.  He is good about coming when called, but also easily distracted!!!!  Puppy!!  Homer is eager to work and learn and will excel in any and all training classes.  He likes to play fetch and chew, chew, chew- lots of bones and chew toys as his teeth are growing!  Homer is a beautiful boy ready to be a perfect Shepherd!!  If you are a Shepherd lover- you have to meet this fabulous boy!!

Bully breeds and unaltered puppies can not be adopted out of the State of Minnesota.

See more happy tails